It may seem that manufacturing training costs more money that your company is willing to spend. The truth is money spent training your employees might be more beneficial to your company than you realize, especially in the years to come. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with the aging manufacturing workforce, there will be less skilled workers going into the manufacturing industry. This is clearly the time for companies to start...
The fundamentals of manufacturing rarely change, however, the equipment and software used does. Keeping up with the latest news and development in the manufacturing industry is important. But, you should know the right updates to apply to your manufacturing training program or work with an experienced organization that does. By updating your training program with the latest information and procedures, you will ensure that your employees are skilled at using the appropriate...
With today’s technological advances, training doesn’t have to always take place in a traditional classroom setting. By working with ITC Learning, your manufacturing company will have the ability to utilize our comprehensive online training programs. Our e-Learning classes allow you to have greater flexibility and control over the delivery of the program. Rather than having to miss work while training takes place, your employee can train around their jobs. Plus, you have...
Any individual or business involved in the manufacturing industry needs common equipment training. Training is needed in order for your employees to become confident about operating the different equipment and deal with the challenges of their job. Common equipment vary from the extremely large machinery–the centrifugal pumps, steam turbines, and demineralizers— to the smaller equipment– electrical equipment, and strainers. For operators to become skilled and knowledgeable about using these types of equipment,...
Training materials are an important part of any industrial training, maintenance training, manufacturing training, mechanical training, or plant training course. By providing your employees with training materials, you are giving them the information they need to become better workers as well as show them what is expected of them. We are experts at creating industrial training, maintenance training, manufacturing training, mechanical training, and plant training materials for your company. When you work...
Keeping that competitive edge means training and retraining your manufacturing employees. This should not be looked at as a chore because it is essential to growing your business. For instance, you’ll need to retrain your employees when new methods or equipment are introduced or when jobs for which employees have been trained are phased out. ITC Learning is here to help your manufacturing employees become familiar with the new skills they will...
If you’ve uncovered specific training needs that generic training programs are unable to meet, we can custom-design an online training program for your employees. Regardless of whether you’re an industrial company, maintenance company, manufacturing company, mechanical company, or plant, we can create a program for you. We will collaborate with you to identify the subjects that we’ll need to create an online training program for. We will tailor the content and the...
Keeping your industrial or manufacturing plant running smoothly is critical to your company’s the bottom line. By training your employees to operate as well as maintain and repair your simple and complex equipment, you will reduce the amount of money you spend on new machinery. Our industrial plant and manufacturing plant training program will familiarize your employees with the different equipment and how to proficiently operate the machinery, respond to, and fix...
It can be hard to find the right industrial or manufacturing training curriculum to suit your company’s unique needs and all successful companies have knowledgeable employees working for them. ITC Learning has the right courses to enhance your on-the-job training programs. Your staff is one of your company’s biggest assets. You need to make sure that they are properly trained in the specific industrial or manufacturing skill set within their job functions....
Training skilled employees starts with training the manager or supervisor. Before you select a manager to train your industrial and manufacturing employees, you should identify if they have the ability to teach others, strong facilitation skills, and patience. But the most important characteristic is that the selected trainer should be knowledgeable about the subject they will be teaching. This is important because they’re the ones in charge of administering the training program....
Safety is a paramount concern for all industrial, mechanical, and manufacturing personnel. Poorly trained employees are more likely to have accidents unlike those that have proper safety training. We know that keeping your employees safe will reduce absenteeism, injuries, worker’s compensation claims, and lawsuits. These issues can negatively impact your company’s bottom line. To prevent this, managers and employees should know what precautionary measures to take as well as what to do...