When to Utilize SCORM
If your industrial plant is considering using SCORM or Sharable Content Object Reference Model there are several important factors to help ensure the best return on your investment.
SCORM is an excellent e-learning program to implement if:
- You’re looking for a more accurate and detailed reporting on your employees training performance
- You’d prefer the courseware to have a long shelf life or you’re planning on frequently updating the courseware
- You’ll need to quickly find and access the correct course materials
- Content has the potential to be reused across multiple courses for greater efficiency
- You have employees that need to be trained on different areas of a subject/equipment
- You’d like to give your veteran employees a way to test out portions of courses they have already mastered so they don’t waste time relearning the subjects they already know.
In short it allows you to:
- Reuse content for faster development
- Share content between systems
- Maximize technology investments
- Avoid proprietary authoring tools
Once you have considered this you can decide whether or not implementing SCORM is right for your organization.
If you are exploring outsourcing some or your entire industrial e-learning program, ITC Learning is a proven industrial training company. With thousands of hours of courseware developed, ITC Learning is the most experienced custom e-learning company in the industry.
Our seasoned e-learning team have decades of combined experience creating highly effective e-learning solutions. Plus, they understand that learning approaches that work well in the classroom are excellent when adapted to work online.