What is SCORM?

What does SCORM compliant mean?

SCORM stands for Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model (SCORM), which is a set of specifications that, when applied to course content, produces small, reusable e-Learning objects. A result of the Department of Defense’s Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative, SCORM-compliant courseware elements are easily merged with other compliant elements to produce a highly modular repository of training materials.

SCORM in layman’s terms

Basically, in a general sense, SCORM compliance means that videos and e-Learning tools ensure that it can be played across multiple platforms. Think of it in the context of a DVD release. Say, MGM launches a DVD, but it can only be played on MGM DVD players. Well when you want to watch a Warner Bros. DVD, you have to purchase a Warner Bros. DVD player. You don’t want 10 different DVD players to watch 10 different movies. That’s what SCORM compliance is. You and your business aren’t interested in downloading 10 different video platforms for e-Learning content. SCORM uses a universal code so companies across the board can use the same material. The benefits, along with streamlining the process, allow for a universal adoption of training standards as well. So when a company hires workers that are certified or trained in a particular area, they are hiring an employee with universal training.

E-Learning online courses

The goal is to streamline and simplify the e-Learning experience. Not only do we meet SCORM compliance standards with our instructionally sound and easy-to-use training videos, we minimize bandwidth and security concerns.