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Posts from December 2014


December 17, 2014 This will be my final blog of 2014.  So, with the two week holiday season upon us, I want to re-share some of the “interesting to read” items I’ve encountered over the past few years.  They have expanded my awareness on issues facing American education.  I think you’ll find one, or more, of them worth your reading time — whether one agrees or disagrees. On the subject of Standardized...


December 15, 2014 While these posts have traditionally concentrated on online learning solutions, and will again today, the three major hurdles I am going to enumerate must be overcome with any training initiative —- however it is packaged and presented. One should always include a complete examination of these considerations when contemplating all training initiatives, regardless of your instructional approach. Your chances for success will depend on it. First, and foremost, for...


December 11, 2014 Those of you who regularly read this blog are well aware of the many posts I’ve written opposing the “testing culture” that has invaded our schools. I’ve included quotes and referenced articles that have, generally, exposed a single aspect of this issue —- be it from the students’ side, the parents’ side, and/or the teachers’ side. However, with the publication this week in THE AMERICAN SCHOLAR we finally have...


December 8, 2014 Today, e-Learning is singularly poised to positively impact all aspects of one’s business. It is touted everywhere as “the answer” — just as was videotape in the 1970s and was Interactive Laser Videodisc in the 1980s. It is uniquely capable of making significant contributions to employees, management, shareholders and customers. With online learning, organizations have a learning tool that can improve attitudes, skill levels, communications and the bottom line....


December 3, 2014 An article (“The Participation Gap/A Conversation with media expert and MIT Professor Henry Jenkins”) and published by the National Education Association, tells us: What is the “participation gap” and how does it relate to the digital divide? “The digital divide mostly referred to the gap in access to technology in American schools and libraries. The goal over the last two decades was to provide every student access to networked...


December 1, 2014 A Dennis Carter piece in eCampus News included the following headline, “Report predicts online learning explosion by 2015” and began: “The number of college students taking online college courses will equal the number of students who attend classes in a traditional classroom by 2015, according to a market research firm whose research contradicts another recent study suggesting a possible leveling off in online learning. The research firm, Ambient Insight,...