Programmable Controllers
Instructional DVDs
Course 1 – Controllers
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the fundamentals of electromechanical control circuits and equipment.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the basics of PC control. This program defines what a programmable controller is and describes the differences between electromechanical control systems and PC-controlled systems. This program also presents the basic components of the PC and their functions.
Course 2 – Central Processing Unit
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the basic components and operation of the programmable controller.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the central processing unit of the programmable controller. This program focuses on its components, operation and diagnostics. Information concerning various memory types and organizations is also included.
Course 3 – Discrete I/O Modules
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the function of the central processing unit and the basic components and operation of programmable controllers.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the functions, operation and components of discrete input/output modules. This program examines the function of optical isolation circuits, I/O status indicators and typical I/O rack arrangements.
Course 4 – Analog and Special I/O Modules
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the basic function and components of programmable controllers, CPU operation and discrete I/O modules.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the various functions performed by analog and special I/O modules, including A/D and D/A conversion, protection and isolation, signal conditioning, communications, independent processing and motion control.
Course 5 – Programming Devices and Peripheral Equipment
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the principles of PC operation and programming and with I/O configuration.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers how to program analog systems and PID control. This program presents different types of analog control and explains how to program a multiplexing function. This program also presents examples of how data comparison and arithmetic instructions can be used to program an analog process. The principles of PID control are also discussed.
Course 6 – Principles of Ladder Diagrams
Prerequisites: There is no specific prerequisite knowledge or experience necessary to begin study. Some knowledge of electrical devices and their functions is recommended.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the basic elements of control circuits. Electrical device symbology is reviewed, with reference to the control element each device may provide in a control circuit. Ladder diagrams, which depict control circuit functionality, are broadly discussed, with a simple ladder diagram provided at the conclusion of the program to introduce basic principles for reading this type of electrical diagram.
Course 7 – Interpreting Ladder Diagrams
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the principles of ladder diagrams, with common electrical control devices and the schematic symbols used to represent them and with the basic elements of control circuits.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers techniques for successfully interpreting control circuit operation using complex ladder diagrams. This program focuses on the parts of a ladder diagram, conventions for labeling symbols used in the diagram, and common circuit arrangements employing time-delay relays, latching relays and master control relays.
Course 8 – Numbering Systems, Numbering Codes and Logic Concepts
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the basic operation of the programmable controller and its principles of operation.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the various number systems and codes used by programmable controllers to store and process information. This program shows and explains the basic principles governing number systems, and applies them to the decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems. The program also explains the BCD, ASCII, and Gray codes, as well as the basic logic functions AND, OR and NOT.
Course 9 – Principles of Ladder Logic Programming
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the basic components, operation and function of programmable controllers. It is recommended that the person should fully understand hardwired ladder diagrams and the symbology used in these diagrams.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the principles of ladder logic programming, including program symbology, format and limitations. This program also shows how programmed ladder logic diagrams are developed from hardwired ladder diagrams.
Course 10 – Programming: Timers and Counters
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the basic components, operation and function of programmable controllers. It is recommended that the person should fully understand hardwired ladder diagrams, the symbology used in these diagrams and the principles of ladder logic programming, as well as the symbology used.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the principles of programmed timing and counting functions. This program focuses on how timing and counting instructions can be programmed in ladder logic diagrams or in functional blocks. This program also shows how timers are cascaded.
Course 11 – Comparison and Arithmetic Functions
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with programmable controller system components, ladder diagrams and principles of ladder logic programming.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the principles of programming data comparison and arithmetic functions. This program examines LESS THAN, GREATER THAN, EQUAL TO data comparison instructions, combinations of these instructions and their uses. The programming principles and uses of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division instructions are also presented.
Course 12 – Programming: Logical Operations and Data Manipulation
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the operation of PC’s, PC hardware and basic PC programming.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the principles and methods for programming data transfer instructions, shift operations, FIFO tables, jump instructions and AND, OR, NOT, and EXCLUSIVE OR operations.
Course 13 – Programming: Analog and PID
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the principles of PC operation and programming and with I/O configuration.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers how to program analog systems and PID control. This program presents different types of analog control and explains how to program a multiplexing function. This program also presents examples of how data comparison and arithmetic instructions can be used to program an analog process. The principles of PID control are also discussed.
Course 14 – Communication Fundamentals
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the fundamentals of PC operation, hardware and programming.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the principles of PC communications. This program presents the functions and components of the communications link including the communications module, the serial interface and various types of communications lines. This program also covers error checking methods and data transmission.
Course 15 – Networking
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the basic function and operation of programmable controllers, PC programming and data manipulation and fundamentals of communications.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers common types of bus and non-bus networks. This program focuses on centralized and distributed control using a variety of networks and access control methods.
Course 16 – Developing a Program
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with PC system components and the principles of programming.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the steps involved in developing a program. This program focuses on the process involved in understanding system function, reviewing and optimizing control methods, developing a flowchart, constructing hardwire ladder diagrams, assigning addresses and developing the PC coding.
Course 17 – Program Documentation
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the operation, programming and theory of programmable controllers.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers different types and purposes of system documentation. This program also discusses the importance of maintaining accurate, up-to-date documentation.
Course 18 – Sizing and Selection
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the operation, programming and theory of programmable controllers, PC hardware and PC field devices.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the various factors to consider when selecting a PC for your facility. This program shows and explains how to match the application and control requirements to the capabilities of the PC.
Course 19 – Installation Considerations
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with basic electricity, the fundamentals of PC operation and hardware and programming devices.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers factors to consider when selecting an installation site, guidelines for PC component placement and wiring layout, grounding and electrical safety considerations and basic steps for initial start-up of a newly-installed PC system.
Course 20 – Troubleshooting Techniques
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the basic operation, programming and theory of programmable controllers, and with PC hardware.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the elements of an effective troubleshooting approach for PC-controlled systems.
Course 21 – Troubleshooting PC Malfunctions
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the fundamentals of PC operation, PC hardware and PC programming.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers the systems approach to troubleshooting PC malfunctions. This program also describes ways to troubleshoot various PC malfunctions.
Course 22 – Troubleshooting Field Device Malfunctions
Prerequisites: This program is designed for persons who are familiar with the basic operation and theory of programmable controllers.
Description: This comprehensive DVD training program covers troubleshooting as it relates to field device malfunctions. This program also shows how to develop an effective troubleshooting sequence to determine whether the cause of a problem is internal or external.