EV Charging
Electric Vehicle Skills
Course 1 – Introduction to EV Charging
Prerequisites: This course is designed for participants familiar with basic electrical fundamentals AC/DC theory, electrical safety, and Ohms law.
Description: This course introduces the basics of charging for Electrical vehicles. It reviews electrical fundamentals and discusses the role of the EV charging technician. It explains changing stations levels and components.
- Describe your role as an EV charging station technician
- Recognize electricity basics and electrical terminology
- Explain the power needs of EV charging stations
- Define EV charging station levels
- Discuss charging station components
Course 2 – Charging Station Standards
Prerequisites: This lesson is designed for participants familiar with Introduction to EV Charging.
Description: This course explains the different types of charger connectors, the different networking methods and discusses charging station enclosures.
- Explain types of charger connections
- Describe where each is typically used
- Identify charging networks
- Recognize standards for charging enclosures
Course 3 – Connectivity
Prerequisites: This lesson is designed for participants familiar with Introduction to EV Charging and Charging Station Standards.
Description: This course describes various modes of EV connectivity; modes of communication with the vehicle, the user, and the network. It also discuses the advatages and disadvantages of each.
- Describe each mode of connectivity
- Explain where each is typically used
- Discuss pros and cons of each type
Course 4 – Installation Preparation
Prerequisites: This lesson is designed for participants familiar with Introduction to EV Charging, Charging Station Standardsand Conectivity.
Description: This course explains the intial requirements for technichians who will be involved in charger station installation. The informtion need by technichians prior to arriving at the installation site is explained including documentation, safefy and communication protocols.
- Describe what is needed prior to arriving at the installation site
- Identify all local, state and federal regulatory requirements
- Define all safety essentials
- Explain first preparation steps at site
Course 5 – Preventative Maintenance
Prerequisites: This lesson is designed for participants familiar with Introduction to EV Charging, Charging Station Standards, Conectivity, and Installation Preparation.
Description: This course is for technichians who need to understand the basic procedure for prevntative maintenance of EV Chargers . This includes cleaning, perform routine checks, handling minor repairs, and record keeping.
- Describe the basic inspection process
- Identify cleaning, repair or replacement procedures
- Discuss software updating requirements
- Explain the need for scheduling and record keeping
Course 6 – EV Operation
Prerequisites: None.
Description: This course covers the fundamentals of operating an EV and its basic components. In addition it also discusses the advantages of EVs to the drivers and the environment.
- Describe basic EV operation
- Explain regenerative braking
- Discuss charging and typical ranges
- Recognize the fundamental components
- Discuss the advantages of Evs
Course 7 – Demand Planning and Site Evaluation
Prerequisites: Introduction to EV Charging
Description: This course examines the necessary preparation that businesses and facilities need in order to plan for the installation of EV charging station.
- Define utility demand planning
- Explain the demand planning process
- Identify the importance of site evaluations
- Describe the essential steps for site evaluations
- Explain installation and implementation policy
Course 8 – Impact of Environmental Conditions
Prerequisites: This lesson is designed for participants familiar with Introduction to EV Charging, Charging Station Standards, Conectivity, and Installation Preparation.
- Define utility demand planning
- Explain the demand planning process
- Identify the importance of site evaluations
- Describe the essential steps for site evaluations
- Explain installation and implementation policy
Course 9 – EV Charger Troubleshooting
Prerequisites: This lesson is designed for participants familiar with Introduction to EV Charging, Charging Station Standards, Conectivity, Installation Preparation, and Impact of Enviromental Conditions.
Description: This course describes a systematic troubleshooting approach for EV charging technicians. It explains the safety precations necessary for troubleshooting and the tools and documentation required.
- Explain preparation needed for troubleshooting
- Identify safety precautions
- Describe basic EVSE troubleshooting steps
- Discuss typical issues
- Identify resolution of typical issues
Course 10 – Battery Technology in Electric Vehicles
Prerequisites: Introduction to EV charging
Description: This course is designed for technicians involved in the maintenance of EVSE. It explains the various type of batteries in use along with their chemistry, operaation, advantages and disavantages. It also introduces directions in future battery development.
- Explain the fundamentals of battery technology
- Discuss lithium-ion batteries categories
- Explain advantages and disadvantages
- Recognize future developments and innovations
Course 11 – First Responders
Course 12 – Customer Interactions
Course 13 – Grid Basics and Main Service Panels
Course 14 – Code Basics for EVSE
Course 15 – EVSE Cybersecurity