In order for your online training to be most effective, you should seek those courses created by instructional designers who incorporate creativity into their learning designs.
Creativity, born from the designer’s imagination, is the single most important quality that distinguishes those courses with which your trainees will fully engage during the learning process.
Imagination is the catalyst that drives creativity.
In his book, THE DRAMATIC IMAGINATION, one of America’s greatest 20th Century scenic artists, Robert Edmond Jones, defined that process most appropriately when he wrote, “Imagination is the faculty for realization.”
In other words, no one can create anything indelibly meaningful unless their imagination can foresee that created object or concept already realized in their own mind.
Charlotte Jirousek’s “Art, Design and Visual Thinking, (a Cornell University interactive textbook) defines “creativity” as follows:
Today, classroom training is all about e-Learning. And, too often, conversions of other materials (i.e., PowerPoint presentations) have all but drowned out creative instructional design.
But, online learning can be (and, should be) engaging. It need not be simply a litany of factual information. It is capable of inviting the learner into the learning process. The instructional designer’s use of creativity will be the key.
As Robert W. Weinberg tells us in his book, “CREATIVITY – BEYOND THE MYTH OF GENIUS, “. . . ‘creative’ refers to novel products of value . . .”
Your key will be to recognize those e-Learning designs of merit.
— Bill Walton, co-Founder, ITC Learning
February 26, 2018
www.itclearning.com/blog/ (Mondays & Wednesdays)