Far too often, we forget the primary reasons behind any training solution we choose to offer our workforce. We spend too much of our time enchanted by the bells and whistles associated with technology. We, mistakenly, believe that all training solutions offer the same benefits just because the title of the program fits our needs and the content is accurate.
However, the truth lies in the learning objectives associated with every training initiative because learning objectives are the bottom line reason for whatever training you provide.
Yet, yours is not an academic need. You’re dealing in the real world. And, it is paramount that, while the learning objectives may be easy to identify, you need to go one step further and determine their fit for your particular needs.
Here are some tips for evaluating your training courseware choices from a practical learning objectives point of view.
There are three primary factors you should consider. The first is the makeup of the population being trained. What are the characteristics of the learners in your organization?
For example, does the course you are evaluating use college level vocabulary when you know that the majority of the people you need to train cannot comprehend above a fourth grade reading level? Are the pictures and illustrations used in the proposed course similar to the types of equipment the learner will encounter on your shop floor?
Secondly, what “behavior changes” do you expect after the training has been completed? Do you want the individual learners to be able to identify specific pieces of equipment? Do you want them to be able to demonstrate their ability to perform a maintenance task correctly while also using good work and safety practice? And if so, does the course you are examining accomplish those objectives?
And, thirdly, does the course you are evaluating prepare the students for the conditions they will encounter? Are they armed with the references, illustrations, graphs, and, most importantly, an electronic help desk — readily available in knowledgeably-designed courseware (and, vital when they are actually on-the-job)?
Expect a vendor’s sales representative to be able to reference the learning objectives in any courseware you are asked to evaluate and, if he does, make certain that they are appropriate for your situation. Meaningful objectives will identify the desired learning outcomes; are consistent with your company’s goals; and, are specifically appropriate to your organization’s needs.
For the best in training outcomes, being able to evaluate any training option in these ways is far more important than the hype you can expect from most sales presentations.
And, of course, all these same criteria apply directly to you if you are tasked with developing your own training programs for your organization.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday. More on Monday – – –
— Bill Walton, co-Founder, ITC Learning
November 20, 2017 (Mondays & Wednesdays)