While the following results are a couple of years old, they undoubtedly still apply today:
“Lack of training is the biggest obstacle to manufacturing quality success today, according to the 2014 Manufacturing Training Trends Survey recently released by Seminars for Engineers. According to the report, 27% of respondents cited lack of training, 20% cited outmoded equipment, 16% cited poor quality control and 14% cited company morale. While 89% said their company offers opportunities to attend technical or engineering-related seminars/workshops, 81% said they wished their companies offered more opportunities to attend technical seminars/workshops. More/better training would result in improved productivity, according to 34% of respondents; 27% cited fewer defects in manufacturing, 20% cited better morale, and 20% cited greater satisfaction with management.” (“Lack of Training Noted as Biggest Obstacle to Manufacturing Success,” CiAdvanced)
And, how are we seeing this disconnect between manufacturing need and efficient training being addressed today?
By moving training from computer access to tablet and smart phone access is likely to be the next big migration in manufacturing training technology.
“In conjunction with the rising use of eLearning programs, technology and mobile devices heavily influence how trainers conduct courses. The CIPD report states that “Developments in mobile learning technologies, followed by virtual classrooms and social media, are expected to have the greatest impact on the L&D profession in the next five years.” (“Learning And Development Trends And Practices To Watch In 2016,” ( by Steve Penfold, eLearning Industry)
Taking training directly to the plant floor has so many financial benefits that it can reduce the expense side of the ledger as well as positively impact the organization’s bottom line.
The “just-in-time” crowd could not ask for a better application. The worker doesn’t have to leave the floor to either research by reading —- or return to a desktop —- in order to remind herself of the steps-to-be-performed.
In addition, simulations and gaming are also gaining momentum in the learning world.
But, there’s one sour note.
Too many of our current e-Learning designs are left wanting because they still rely on written words as their primary communication tool.
Full motion video (accompanied by optional word-for-word audio) must gain greater and greater prominence in technology learning —- in order to accommodate the needs of our workforce.
Instructional designers will need to catch up with the visual and audio advances already successfully underway in gaming and simulation.
Only then will the coming mobile training revolution realize its full potential.
More on Wednesday – – –
— Bill Walton, co-Founder, ITC Learning
April 17, 2017 (Mondays & Wednesdays)