August 29, 2016

Those organizations that desire to get the most out of their training initiatives will routinely begin with an appropriate Skills Assessment!

Skills Assessment testing comes first!

“Skills are the most important assets your employees possess. Well-honed skill sets give them the opportunity to master tasks and improve their work performance. This is why skills assessments are an essential part of a successful online training program. They allow organizations to fine tune their online training initiatives, increase productivity, and narrow the performance gaps by identifying the core skills your corporate audience needs to fulfill their work responsibilities.  .  .  .”  (“How To Conduct A Successful Skills Assessment For Your Corporate Audience: 6 Points To Consider” by Christopher Pappas, eLEARNING INDUSTRY)

If you don’t start every training initiative with a valid skills assessment, you are seriously wasting your organization’s money.

Some of the trainees you are forcing into a “one size fits all” approach, already possess many of those skills and are, therefore, more valuable to your company out on the shop floor.

Other individuals, whom you believe already possess the necessary skills, actually do not and are, therefore, either performing some of their tasks incorrectly and/or are wasting time through a “trial and error” approach.

The three major reasons to begin every training initiative with a thorough Skills Assessment are:

  • The need to keep up with rapid change and the global marketplace, both of which place premiums on efficient and effective task performance.
  • The need for a proven approach to upgrade skills within budget and just in time is necessary in order to positively impact business performance.
  • The need to use a targeted approach in order to provide the right training, to the right learner, at the right time.

The more knowledgeable trainers will routinely begin with a thorough Skills Assessment.

That should always be your starting point.  It will save your organization significant time and money.  It’s where all training initiatives should begin.

More on Wednesday –  –  –

         — Bill Walton, co-Founder, ITC Learning  (Mondays & Wednesdays)

 (This is a personal blog.  Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the blog owner,, an independent consultant.  They do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in a professional or personal capacity.)