e-LEARNING & the 3R’s

January 12, 2015

One of the fundamental principles that characterizes successful organizations goes something like this:

“To stay competitive, today’s organizations have to realize maximum productivity from each and every employee!”

While readily investing training dollars in task skills building, too often, many organizations ignore the basic skills knowledge-gap that exists throughout their workforce. Unfortunately, when they do take the time to examine that gap, many find that their employees simply don’t have the basic skills necessary for effective on-the-job performance.

And yet, a working understanding of applied industrial math, as well as the necessary reading and writing skills, significantly impacts an employee’s performance.

So, what should an effective basic skills training curriculum include?

The fundamental skills in an applied industrial math curriculum will include everything from whole numbers to decimals and statistics. Basic reading and writing skills will address everything from procedures and instructions to reference materials and technical manuals.

Effective basic skills instruction in the business world should be rooted in “real world” situations, allowing employees to apply what they learn to their own jobs. Using well-designed, self-paced individualized training allows the learner to master the basic skills that their traditional education may have failed to communicate.

The result?

More confident, productive employees who are now more ready to succeed. They have become better equipped to seize the opportunities they encounter as their newly acquired basic skills improvement prepares them for better on-the-job performance.

Don’t assume your employees have the requisite basic skills to perform effectively. Measure the skills gap — and, then address it with knowledgeably designed media-based e-Learning. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.

More on Wednesday – – – – –

— Bill Walton: co-Founder, ITC Learning
(Mondays & Wednesdays)