media-training2My friend and co-Founder of ITC, G. H. Kaiz, once wrote a paper on the uses that can be made of media training. While most of us think of the classroom, learning center, or from-anywhere WEB access, below are a few of Jerry’s other considerations you should examine in order to get the maximum value from your training initiatives.

Engineer Training
• All too often new graduate engineers are strong in theory but lack practical application experience. Yet these people are asked to write procedures, monitor equipment performance, design new systems and inspect maintenance activities. By using CD-ROMs or E-LEARNING, these engineers can quickly get the applications experience that they did not get in college.

The Missed Class
• Trainees are always missing classes, and the solution of one-on-one instructor to trainee is extremely costly. In the situation where large classes are required to train large numbers of students, CD-ROMs or E-Learning offers an extremely cost effective solution for picking up those students who missed classes or couldn’t be scheduled to attend.

Multicraft/Cross Craft Training
• As “right-sizing” of the work force continues at the plant level, each worker needs to be able to do more, either with expanded capabilities within a given craft or the ability to handle multiple craft assignments. CD-ROMs or E-Learning can be used to define curriculum plans and sequences that can ensure “home craft” competence and then expand into a second or third craft area with an appropriate lesson schedule.

Just-in-time Training
• In a typical training program, the delivery is front-end loaded so that all the training an individual needs is done at the beginning of the assignment to a typical job. The trainee is expected to remember everything covered in the training. The reality of the situation is that the understanding of what isn’t used on a regular basis deteriorates and is only partially remembered. By having a library of materials available on CD-ROMs or E-Learning, information and simulation can be accessed just prior to job assignment. In many ways the courses become job aids, assisting in the performance of assigned tasks.

These and many other benefits are yours with media training. You’ll be constrained only by the limits of your imagination. Full classroom1motion/optional audio training makes the best investment your organization can make in today’s learning environment.

— Bill Walton, Founder of ITC Learning