Training Challenge Number Six: “The failure to recognize e-learning that truly works” Corporate trainers should run – not just walk – away as fast as they can when they encounter adapted PowerPoint presentations, adapted written procedures, converted CD-ROMs and converted videos posing as e-learning. When someone tells you that these things actually teach in an e-learning environment, just ask them if they’d like to buy the Brooklyn Bridge. At best, what those...
Training Challenge Number Five: “the failure to measure longer term retention” The only training initiatives that have positive impacts on an organization’s performance and future are those programs that generate longer-term retention and positive applications of the initial training. Almost every vendor of training software or standup instruction refers to the wonderful statistics that trumpet the improvement made by most participants in their proprietary solutions. They claim that the post-test scores are...
Training Challenge Number Four: “The failure to provide focused e-learning that is designed to meet the learning culture of the twenty-first century” The first thing we must acknowledge is the amount of garbage being disseminated today under the guise of e-learning. Page-turner programs, PowerPoint presentations and reconstituted written procedures all do much more harm than good. In fact, they almost totally ignore most modern workers and their needs. They lack the winning...
We’ll wrap this topic up today and get ready for the three day weekend. Training Challenge Number Three: “The failure to provide training that is designed to meet the needs of the 21st Century Learning Culture.” The shift from teacher-led to media-rich, learner-centered instruction may well be forced upon the American education system in the upcoming years. In case one hasn’t been paying attention, there are big changes on the horizon for...
Training Challenge Number Three: “The failure to provide training that is designed to meet the needs of the 21st Century Learning Culture.” We are sensory beings. The more of our senses that can be involved, the more completely and enjoyably we learn. Even better, the more of our senses that become involved with the learning experience, the greater our retention. Nobody is trying to exclude the one-third of us who are comfortable...
We’re now ready to examine the most important roadblock to effective learning . We’ll spend a few blogs on this ultra-critical and far-too-often-ignored impediment to learning and retention. Training Challenge Number Three: “The failure to provide training that is designed to meet the needs of the 21st Century Learning Culture.” FACT: Today, more than 40% of America’s workforce cannot read above a 4th grade level. FACT: Little more than one-third of our...
Let’s continue with our examination of the major reasons that lie behind the failures of many corporate training initiatives. Training Challenge Number Two: “The failure to tailor training to knowledge gaps.” Too often, individuals charged with spending organizational money on training needlessly squander corporate resources. One-size-fits-all is a wasteful way to go today. No longer does a company have to assign every electrical maintenance worker or instrument tech the very same curriculum....
For the next few posts, we’re going to be examining many of the major reasons behind the failures of many corporate training initiatives. Training Challenge Number One: “The failure to tie training to corporate objectives.” Too many investments in training are made which are unrelated to company objectives. It should come as no surprise, then, that management too often regards training costs as superfluous and unnecessary. How different management...
Certainly, the training requirements of today’s workplace are intensifying. A recent National Adult Literacy Survey undertaken by the Department Of Education has reported that, “Growing numbers of individuals are expected to be able to attend to multiple features of information in lengthy and sometimes complex displays, to compare and contrast information, to integrate information from various parts of a text or document, to generate ideas and information based on what they read,...
We’ve come a long way down the technology trail in the past three decades. The training challenges facing our industrial workforce have been immense, and the trade-offs involving instructional design and production values – plus cost and efficiency issues – have complicated the entire process. Maintenance and operations training for our workforce has never been more necessary – and the opportunities for more effective learning have never been greater. E-learning...