May 4, 2016

So, why do you invest time in training your company’s workforce?

For that matter, why does your organization commit dollars to training initiatives?

The answers to those questions seem obvious, don’t they?

“Because our people will acquire the skills necessary for improved performance and that will result in a better bottom line for our business.’

In a perfect world, those answers would be completely valid.

But, it’s not a perfect world and those answers both depend on a single qualifier — “IF!”

All training is not equal.

All courseware titles are not equivalent in scope or production design.

All trainees do not come to you from a single learning culture.

Many studies have proven that traditional “lecture/reading/testing” training programs no longer give the payback in skills acquisition and ROI that they once did.  For individuals born after 1960, their learning culture is tied inexorably to smartphones, tablets and computers.

That is why multi-sensory learning became the surest way to a training payback.

We must recognize that those training initiatives that actually contribute are the ones that incorporate full motion video, graphic animations and optional full audio.

We must summarily reject those adapted PowerPoint and written procedures that never belonged in an e-Learning environment in the first place.

So, “yes,” effective training can significantly increase skills and contribute mightily to the bottom line — but only “IF” we demand a multi-sensory approach to our e-Learning initiatives and purchases.

And that is a very big “IF!”

Our challenge is to identify “the best” in multi-sensory e-Learning BEFORE we make our investments in training.  If we fail to do that, our expenditures in time and money will result in very little payback.

More on Monday –  –  –

     — Bill Walton, co-Founder, ITC Learning  (Mondays & Wednesdays)

 (This is a personal blog.  Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the blog owner,, an independent consultant.  They do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in a professional or personal capacity.)