The world is beginning to adapt the newer multi-sensory learning technologies as the better approach to education and training, particularly when skills acquisition is an ultimate goal.
Many of the foundation skills and competencies — later, so critical to the workplace — can be achieved through the use of technology in the classroom, K-12 and beyond. Students using technology demonstrate any number of improvements: more confidence, higher motivation, peer mentoring, collaboration, and enhanced self-esteem (Means). They are also able to handle more complex tasks and “acquire a basic understanding of how various classes of computer tools behave, and a confidence about being able to learn to use (the) new tools” that they will encounter in the years ahead (Means).
“Compared to conventional classrooms with their stress on verbal knowledge and multiple-choice test performance, technology provides a very different set of challenges and different ways in which students can demonstrate what they understand” (Means). Added benefits may be found in that “students watch less television, while improving problem-solving and critical thinking skills . . . technology rich schools report higher attendance and fewer dropouts” (Benefits of Technology Use).
And, so it is proving to be in our adult work world. Organizations that are moving from “live instruction” to the multiple benefits of multi-sensory learning are leaping ahead.
Again, that same multi-sensory media instruction comes to mind as the most flexible solution. It offers privacy to the adult learner, ease of use, scheduling flexibility, and stands ready to offer initial or refresher training as needed.
The world is changing. And, both the reading minority and the less adept readers will benefit from the technology advances that are available today.
And for that reason, among others, when considering E-Learning solutions please make certain that the courseware you are creating or choosing to purchase are rooted in full-motion video and optional word-for-word audio.
More on Tuesday – – – – –
— Bill Walton, Founder, ITC Learning (Tuesdays & Thursdays)